2024年11月21日 Webinar on Microscopy & Microanalysis: Towards High Impact Research Series 14で宮崎が招待講演を行いました。
Miyazaki gave an invited lecture at Webinar on Microscopy & Microanalysis: Towards High Impact Research Series 14 on 21 Nov. 2024.
2024年11月20日から22日まで、インドネシア・バリ島で開催された8th Southeast Asia Conference on Thermoelectric (SATA2024)で宮崎、M2 飯尾、M2 北川が口頭発表を行いました。特に学生は初めての国際会議の発表、他国の学生さんとの交流を楽しみました。行きの飛行機からはSPring-8が見れましたが、状況で気づいたのはおそらく宮崎だけかと。。。
Miyazaki, M2 Iio and M2 Kitagawa gave oral presentations at the 8th Southeast Asia Conference on Thermoelectric (SATA2024) held in Bali, Indonesia, from 20-22 November 2024. The students especially enjoyed their first international conference presentation and interaction with students from other countries. SPring-8 was visible from the plane on the way to the conference, but Miyazaki was probably the only one who noticed it under the circumstances.
2024BIII期のマシンタイムで10月16日10時~18日10時までSPring-8 BL46XUにおいて硬X線光電子分光測定のマシンタイムをB4 中島君と共同研究を研究室の学生さんと実施してきました。
We have been carrying out Hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurements at SPring-8 BL46XU with B4 Nakajima-kun during the 2024BIII machine time period, from 10:00 on 16 October to 10:00 on 18 October.
2024BII期のマシンタイムで10月3日10時~4日10時までSPring-8 BL19B2において粉末X線回折測定のマシンタイムをB4 成道君と実施してきました。
We have been carrying out powder X-ray diffraction measurements at SPring-8 BL19B2 with B4 Seido-kun during the 2024BII machine time period, from 10:00 on 3 October to 10:00 on 4 October.
2024年9月29日に1-Day SATREPS POME Materials Analysis Workshopにおいて、宮崎とM1吉坂が発表を行いました。
Miyazaki and M1 Yoshizaka gave presentations at the 1-Day SATREPS POME Materials Analysis Workshop on 29th September 2024.
2024年9月26日 マレーシア・クアラルンプールにあるUniversiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN)のAhmad Wafi Mahmood Zuhdi先生の研究室に訪問しました。
26 September 2024 – We visited the laboratory of Ahmad Wafi Mahmood Zuhdi sensei at Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
2024年9月25日 マレーシア・クアラルンプールにあるUniversiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)のRhonira Binti Latif先生の研究室に訪問しました。
25th September 2024 – We visited the laboratory of Rhonira Binti Latif senei at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
2024年9月25日 マレーシア・クアラルンプールの南のセリ・ケンバンガンにあるUniversiti Putra Malaysia (UTM)のYazid Yaacob先生の研究室に訪問しました。
25 September 2024 – We visited the laboratory of Yazid Yaacob sensei at Universiti Putra Malaysia (UTM) in Seri Kembangan, south of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
2024年9月24日 マレーシア・クアラルンプールにあるUniversity Malaysia (UM)のAhmad Shuhaimi Bin Abu Bakar先生の研究室に訪問しました。
24th September 2024 – We visited the laboratory of Ahmad Shuhaimi Bin Abu Bakar sensei at the University Malaysia (UM) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
2024年9月24日から9月30日の期間、マレーシア・ジョホールバルのUniversiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)のAdvanced Membrane Technology Research Center (AMTEC)に滞在しました。滞在中はシンガポール、マラッカに観光に行きました。
From 24th to 30th September 2024, I stayed at the Advanced Membrane Technology Research Center (AMTEC) at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) in Johor Bahru, Malaysia. During my stay, I went sightseeing in Singapore and Malacca.
Miyazaki gave an oral presentation and M2 Nagase gave a poster presentation at ICT/ECT 2024, which was held in Krakow, Poland from 30 June to 4 July 2024. In addition, our joint researcher, Dr. Mikami from AIST, gave an oral presentation. The excursion and banquet were held at the Wieliczka Salt Mine. We also visited the World Heritage Site of Auschwitz.
On 9th May 2024, we held a welcome party for the B4 students in Kanayama, in collaboration with Ide sensei’s research group.
As a result of the compositional analysis carried out with the cooperation of Miyazaki on 19 November 2023, works made using clay from the same region as the pottery identified were exhibited at a solo exhibition by the sculptor Takuji Hamada, who lives in Azumino City. I visited the exhibition.
On 19th October 2023, I attended a celebration for Professor Emeritus Morita of Nagoya University, who was awarded the Medal with Purple Ribbon.
We held a social gathering where students gave presentations on their academic conference presentations, which they had given at the autumn academic conference on 4th October 2023.
Two students gave presentations at the 2023 Autumn Meeting of the Japan Institute of Metals, which was held at the University of Toyama from 19th to 22nd September 2023. The ramen noodles at Toyama Black were delicious.
2023年4月12日から14日にフランス・カーンで開催されましたInternational Workshop
Thermoelectric Materials: from materials chemistry and physics to devices (IWT2023)で宮崎が招待講演を行ってきました。
Miyazaki gave an invited lecture at the International Workshop Thermoelectric Materials: from materials chemistry and physics to devices (IWT2023), which was held in Caen, France, from 12th to 14th April 2023.